Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 This could be me, but while I am glad PBS is airing most of the prime time RNC, if David Brooks is who counts as a "conservative" among the group...well, they should send everyone home and simply air the speakers and not the "journalists" covering them.  After Brooks -- who I guess is a moderate, there were Jonathan Capehart and Judy Woodruff, both of whom were...well, it was impossible to cover up their prejudices, if you will.  I suspect that the same level of snark and commentary will not be directed at the Dems when they have their convention.

I went to Giant Eagle -- not my first choice -- to buy peaches (still on sale) and while there I decided to buy a watermelon as well; they are cheaper at Marc's, but no point driving around creation to save a buck and a half (to say nothing of the carbon emissions).  Anyways, it is quite good, and, more to the point, you get a tremendous amount of fruit out of them; I think you can easily get 20 servings (if not more) out of it, which is quite the bargain.  Also, the rind and such can be taken to the compost pile -- I am trying to be more diligent in taking the stuff to the back so as to not further attract rodents -- one became a permanent resident last nite, with a mix of joy and ire for me.  Yes, I think I will buy another as soon as I can.  Summer is flying away -- July is half over, you know.

Back to the convention, it was quite good?  Haley was quite strong, and I think did a good job in trying to bring in the never Trumpers.  Rubio and DeSantis were quite good, and while I would love to hear Vance, Lara Trump was equally impressive.  I think there was a lot of red meat -- as the PBS crew suggested -- but with a focus on security...and, let's face it, that is a winning issue for us, so why not stress it.  That and the economy...normally, that would be enough, but with the infanticide issue, and the Never Trumpers almost as populous as the Never Senile crew...

Chuck Todd Spills the Beans About Biden: He's a Bad Man – HotAir
Now he tells us?  What a douchebag.

America’s New Catholic Priests: Young, Confident and Conservative - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Is this a bad thing?  I am not sure that it is.  Or, put it this way... what has a generation -- or more -- of liberal priests gotten us?  The sex abuse scandal?  Empty pews?  Moral relativism?  I realize this will be somewhat unpleasant for some people, but Catholicism is about rules, discipline, morals; we're not Episcopalians, you know.  I think a new generation of priests (and in some ways I am sad that I am not a part of them) is exactly what we need.


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