Thursday, July 11, 2024


Today was not exactly a banner day.  I had a dental appointment first thing to take off the temporary cap and replace it with the semi-permanent crown... and they couldn't get the cap off, the suspicion being that it was sealed with regular cement.  Sigh.  I suggested they leave it on, as it was permanently sealed, but we couldn't have that, so...they ended up putting some novocaine in me (not wanted!), cracking the thing, and then breaking it off.  I felt pieces parts when it exploded, and it was..  unsettling.  They did get it on, and back to work in good time, but... I was feeling something -- stress, the meds -- all day.  Also they found two small cavities in front, so next month I go back for those.  Unless I pull the plug and go elsewhere.

Then it was home and work; I was doing some modeling and such, and I think I discovered more ways not to do things than to do so.  This is not necessarily bad, as no one has tried it, and I have to organize the data, etc., but it was still not fun.  And not helped from the stressful morning.  One bit of happy news; we have been keeping our spending at the food pantry (on food) down, and the allocated orders we have been getting (due to high counts) have been up, so we have not spend any extra money on food.  This is good, though we will need to spend it eventually.  Yes, come holiday costs and counts will both be up, and this accounting legerdemain will go away, but it was unsettling -- and pleasing -- to not discover mystery invoices.

Not only did I just blow the final on tonight's J!, but it was not exactly a banner night for categories.  Nor was it one on the Masters episodes I watched, lots of pop culture and low scores... though I did get the finals, so I am only sort of dumb.... the President.  I watched the presser, and, again, it was as good as it could be for the guy, which was... good enough to quiet some of the crowd but not enough for all of them.  He was at times forceful and intelligent, other times not, like Vice President Trump and President Putin.  That would be amusing were it... not.


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