Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Sense of Failure

Is it me, or is all this talk around the Biden campaign vastly amusing?  First, of course, were the people pushing back against it -- the rules were against him (they chose the rules!), Trump was too attacking (it's a debate!), there was no fact-checking (those pesky rules), etc.  Next of course were those saying there should be no more debates, as we know what Donald Trump is.  True, but in addition to agreeing to two, there is the fact that the optics are horrible; Trump would (rightly) call him out for being unable to debate him.  Next is the family drama and meeting of the "minds" today... I mean, Joe has a point in that yes, he is running against Trump, and if you think he is that bad of a choice... but the problem is, to use his words, it's not him and the almighty, it's him and Trump, and right now...Trump looks like he has it together.  Or, is at least his usual self.  I don't really think he drops out, but...of course, let's see what the polling says.  I think it is more true than not that it won't move the needle that much, but for the 8% who are undecided...

I put some more time in on the work project/Excel training today; on the one hand, it is frustrating because it is not exactly inductive to me, and I am getting easily frustrated.  On the other hand, once I did figure out some things, it went quite well, and I made a couple of templates for tomorrow that might help me get through some projects.  I know some of it is me, or I should sign up for some Excel/BI Boot Camp or something, but... it does take a lot out of me; that combined with the lack of sleep, heat, etc.

Tomorrow is July and I have yet to finish Christendom; I might do it tonight, or start fresh tomorrow.  It is long, and interesting, and I have been busy, but I am way behind on my personal goal of 50 books.  I know I am off Thursday and can in theory take the day off and read, but we all know I will not do that.  If anything I should deep-clean the house for Xmas.  Actually, I made a mental note to go through my shoes, which would be good; I have sandals that should be mended or tossed, and if I want to buy new shoes, I should know the current inventory.

We had -- as far as I can tell -- a record month at the food pantry this month, serving 602 households.  We were busy three of them, and the other two -- the high numbers a function of the five-week month -- were in the 90s.  How the CFB tallies data is a bit inconsistent; they report 82 of them were new and 37 were repeats, but I think both -- especially the latter -- are off, not that I have any inkling to check.  We go to new and tighter rules next month, and while I am skeptical they will work...well, the high counts, if not problematic, are concerning...


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