Friday, June 21, 2024


Nothing like a big Friday night at home... of course, we have a family fest this weekend, so I am making a seven-layer jello, and it is taking a bit longer than I expected.  The heat is affecting even this, as I think it is taking a much longer time to set -- both the jello layers and the filling layers.  On the one hand I feel like crap -- as I cannot even make a seven-layer jello -- but as long as the bottom layers hide it... well, it should be ok.  Mostly.  Five down, the sixth is coming, and the last... well, I need to be careful with how I place it -- not too hot, just cool enough to not ruin the milk-based layer.  Oi.  

Today was ok; not as long or as stressful as Thursday, at least.  Still much to do -- work, work, and other things -- but there is some progress and light at the tunnel.  Much as I say there are some days one must endure, sometimes there are projects where one must just plow through, and there we are now.  I did hit the gym twice, but my plans for extra cardio were quashed by low blood sugar this afternoon.  I am 182 pounds -- all the walking about for the office step challenge, I guess -- so that is not a bad thing, but I hoped for more.  Then home for dinner, J!, and some reading and work while jelloing... rah.  I have to admit, the J! tiebreaker was cool, but -- call me an old person -- I prefer the old method of returning co-champions.  This new method is cheaper, of course.

Alleged domestic abusers can’t own guns, Supreme Court rules - POLITICO
I don't know; I agree to an extent but I think I see Thomas' point; a mere accusation should not be enough to deprive someone of a fundamental Constitutional right.  I can see Roberts, as always, trying to provide a more moderate and sensible approach...

Louisiana governor mandates 10 Commandments in schools | Fox News
This story has been bounding around, and dare I say... I am little surprised some wags are not making plans to get around this, such as by turning them around, putting them in the bathroom, that sort of thing.  I am not saying I approve of this sort of thing, but I would be most amused if someone started pulling crap.


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