Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Being Taut

You know, my lower leg muscles have been sore all day.  I suspect it was a combo of the killer leg workout, two trips on the exercise bike, plenty of extra pacing, some dehydration, and waking up in the middle of the night by the low blood sugar alarm; not only did it spoil the sleep schedule -- grr -- but I suspect the body did not recover.  Oi.   Not good.  I took it a bit easier on the exercise bike today -- my step count was a little low -- but tomorrow I expect to be right back at it again.  That said, I took advantage of being early to my haircut by putting my feet on the table; my stylist was vastly amused by this, I can assure you.  She suggested I look into compression socks, which went over about as well as her telling me that my gray hair looks good.

I am off tomorrow for Juneteenth, and while on the one hand, I am a little surprised -- how does one spend an off day in the middle of the week -- on the other hand the morning is already full.  To say nothing of the fact that I can work on my contract job, and if I truly cared I would hit the Diocesan Juneteenth celebration.  I just might, depending on how the morning goes and if I can get all my stuff done.

Is it me, or shouldn't the GOP be all over the Justin Bibb news?  Especially after the Fetterman event, I would think they should be pushing the rules for thee not for me approach.  I realize there is nothing to it, politically, aside from cheap-shotting, but... why not?  One should always take the easy W, to me.


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