Sunday, June 09, 2024


Full and busy day again today; after Mass was the parish picnic, and I was helping out with the grilling, running food, and the cleanup; I really believe it is my metier in life to be stuck as the dishwasher at these events!  On the other hand, it seemed to be a good event; lots of people -- just under 100 -- and they ate plenty of food (us Polacks like free food).  I got out at 2 (the cleanup was long but smooth, which is not the worst thing) and then took Communion to my friend in West Park.  Humorous interlude:  I commented in Polish about the stressful process of picking out a date for Christmas in July, and I ended with a phrase --in Polish -- that basically says "Mother of God." I thought she was going to pee her pants she laughed so hard; it reminded her of her mother and grandmother yelling at them when kids when they did something wrong.  I told her my Mom used that phrase on me, and also in a general WTF way... it was pretty cool, actually.  Then off to my sister's to catch up with her, and then home. 

I have to admit I am somewhat dragging today, with a busy weekend, lack of sleep, and general busybody ways.  Indeed, I have already nodded off on the floor here, so I suspect that if I do not get cracking on this post... 

New Benefit Bridge program to help Cuyahoga residents transition off public assistance -
You would think that someone, somehow, would be out and trying to fix/minimize this issue?  I sent an email to the Plain Dealer as to why this had not on the front page, and I have little hope of a reply...

The Insulin Empire | Edward Ongweso Jr. & Athena Sofides (
Interesting, though as I often say, the development of insulin has shifted people away from trying to cure it altogether, with the expected result...

Unruly crowds overwhelm officers at St. Gabriel’s festival Saturday; event closes early today -
This is interesting, in that St. Gabriel is out there, and that this is the second time this month this has happened...  I wonder what would happen if 1) Churches insisted that a parent/guardian monitor the kids at all times; 2) If they did not, they and the troublesome kids would be arrested and prosecuted fully, and 3) Their other children, if any, would be put into the foster care system... I wonder what that would do as a solution....


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