Friday, June 07, 2024

The Last Day

Today was field day at work -- the first time I have ever had one in all my working years -- and it was fairly fun.  I did not engage in the sport, but I did watch some impressive Jenga games, talked and hung out with my coworkers, and ate copious amounts of food -- City BBQ catered and we had an ice cream truck from East Coast Custard.  I tipped the ice cream server and he was most appreciative; it seemed no one else did so, which was... meh.  Anyways, it was fun.  We got to leave work early, though I didn't, as I had a couple of things to do.  Just when I wanted to leave, one of the comanagers texted me and we had a discussion about the funeral; Monsignor was planning on taking more of the lot for parking and we would need to adjust how we move clients.  I think we are game for that, though I also think we may close early....oi.  I think the next funeral will be mine at this pace.

I had planned on some culinary tourism on the way home, but with the big lunch, I was not hungry, so off to the gym and then home.  I was not home long before my friend Kevin called asking for some company, so he came over for a bit and we sorted out his life -- and he offered some decorating tips for my home (he is an interior decorator), most of which involve me going away for some period of time and leaving him an open checkbook.  :)  It was good to be a good friend, even if I always wonder as to why anyone would want advice from me.

I watched "Deep Web" today; it's a look at the Dread Pirate Roberts/Silk Road/Ross Ulbricht story, very sympathetic to him.  


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