Tuesday, May 28, 2024


You know, I have been stressed all day... didn't sleep particularly long or well last night, and then today... there was an unpleasant email about a work project (my supervisor and I were not aware it was a top priority), and I had to shift a bit, and then there was a meeting to follow-up... fortunately, all went well -- our original intentions were confirmed, the meeting went well, and all was well.  I almost got hit getting on the highway on the way home -- older lady with a handicapped sticker didn't realize I had the light -- and that sent my nerves back.  Then, there was carmageddon on the highway due to an accident, which snarled my commute home, and that was not good, as there was stuff I wanted to do.  As I turned out, one of those things was done, and the other... a voice mail.  I also totally deleted my old, original email; an end of an era, but... it had to be done.  Alas.  

That said, I am going to bed soon tonight; I did some stuff that I needed and wanted to do, and if some stuff is moved to tomorrow... I will be ok.  But today, I have been... high strung?  Blood sugar running high?  Stomach a little churny?  I hope tomorrow does not have this; so far I don't think so, but of course one never knows.  I did skip the gym -- cheat day/handle stuff -- but I will not do that tomorrow; if anything, it is good for me to burn off this nervousness.  Some of it, of course, is me; I do need to be a bit more mellow about certain things.

Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden - POLITICO
Interesting; I think this is partially true -- the economic stuff is poor for them -- but with infanticide, Trump, democracy, and the generally balanced nature of the electorate in the battleground states (of which there are fewer), Biden still has a chance... sad to say but true.  Can either side get the voters to the polls?  I think that is the answer, like it or not.

Detroit ministry aims to ‘Unleash the Gospel at Work’ (pillarcatholic.com)
Interesting for two reasons... one, as we become more secular, work is a good but fraught place to look for converts.  Two, as we become less religious, this means that Catholics/people of faith become minorities, and thus will merit special protections...I would get a kick out of that, of course, but more seriously, I think this is a good thing, even if we don't get many converts out of it...


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