Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I can tell it is spring, as the ants are trying (and getting in) to enter my home.  This happens every year, of course, until I squish enough of them and they get the idea to go elsewhere.  Always a few who pop in the front door during J!, and I see a few more during the evening (I don't want to imagine what happens during the day).  I do have the stuff to spread along the window panes and other areas (cornmeal, right?) and it does remind me I need new windows, which will happen if and when the bathroom is done.  In the meantime, it is a moderate annoyance.

All of the follow-up stuff from the OC meeting Monday that I didn't do yesterday I did today, and it was glorious.  Not that it was incredibly complex or time-consuming, but there were a bunch of little things, and doing them all at once... anyways, they are done.  We discussed surveying our clients about the canned goods they use/don't use, so I typed that up, and then we decided we need to tighten/actually follow GCFB rules regarding IDs, zip codes, etc., so I typed up something to explain the "new" policy... and if we hand it out now (i.e., June), it will be ready for July.  Immediately after sending it out I thought of that scene from "1776" when Jefferson finishes reading the Declaration of Independence, asks for amendments, and chaos ensues.

I am vastly amused by the Alito "Stop the Steal" controversy.  On the one hand, blaming the wife is an excellent strategy -- it works for Bob Menendez! -- though honestly, if my wife was involved in a petty fight, I am not sure I would get anywhere near this one.  More seriously, though, shouldn't he have told her "Gee, I am a Supreme Court Justice, someone will notice this, and it will hit the fan?"  I mean, much like letting a convicted pedophile play cantor on the altar, the optics of this sort of thing are not very good, and someone should know better.

Today was somewhat stressful -- both at work and other things -- and thus when I got home I immediately cleaned the bathroom.  I didn't swiffer the floor (I was distracted by the laundry, which I also did) but the sink was cleaned, countertop dusted, and the toilet thoroughly scrubbed.  Quite thoroughly, as I worked out some frustrations while going after individual bacteria or whatever was there.  Also while doing this I was thinking of the expanding list of J! episodes on the Tivo, which is another thing to handle during the upcoming weekend with nothing to do.  Ha!


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