Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Interesting day; got a couple of new projects at work, which were followed by multiple modifications of said projects, as well as shifting due dates.  This was meh as it is -- understandable but no fun -- but then I had a bunch of difficulties downloading some of the data files; namely, they were too large for converting to Excel, and I couldn't figure out/wasn't allowed to break them up.  I just put them in PDF form and will have to manually search them to find what I need.  Oi.  Then it was off to the gym (there was leftover pizza at the office and I felt fat) and then home.  Tivo'd J! and have been too busy to watch, alas.  I have quite the collection of shows, and I will eventually get through them, to say nothing of the Masters, which are hour-long affairs and thus are... well, I have to block out time.

The Democrats Have a Joe Biden Problem | The New Republic
Isn't this everyone's problem?  I do find it humorous that if the New Republic notices this, I can only imagine what John Q. Voter does.   I would say not good economically, but the rest... that is a problem.  I can still see large numbers of undecideds (in so far as they exist) breaking for incumbent due to infanticide, "democracy," and Trump fatigue, all of which are somewhat legitimate.  Somewhat.

Also funny; my plan to get through the paper pile on the kitchen table has been progressing -- in so far as it does -- slowly due to the general busy nature of my life, and the plan to get through bookmarks and such has been equally truncated.  Some of these are links related to my side hustle -- on which I have been putting in some work these past few nights -- and until I complete those writeups I cannot delete them.  I hate to say it but I am looking forward to Memorial Day weekend so I can devote some time to doing absolutely nothing but reading and watching films.

I realized today that I have a Communion breakfast this weekend and a pile to get ready for the toy drive.  I am fond of saying sometimes my life is not my own (every parent says hold my beer!) but this week is one of those times where it is especially apt.


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