Technological Pretensions
I sort of had a backwards day... I didn't realize I had an MD appointment today until they called this morning and asked if I wanted to move it up, so I worked through lunch and went there... it's at the Ahuja complex on the East Side, and if there is one thing I learned, it is that we now know why our medical care is so expensive, as that place is a fricking palace that makes City Hall look like a log cabin. I didn't feel badly getting a free cup of coffee, let me tell you that. At least my health is fine! Then, after an interesting drive home (I do not miss driving on the East Side), I worked til 6 to make up the time. I then did some much-need weed whacking (first of the year); I should have prolly cut the grass, as my neighbors did, but there is only so much time in a day. It does look quite nice, and I would like to think I reached the line where I cannot mow with the riding machine. Then I watched J! (but not the Masters) and off to the gym. It was good to lift and get a chest workout in, good to ride the bike (an excuse to get some reading done is always good) and I reflected upon the stuff I need to do, both long term (house crap) and short term (like buy a new bathroom, upgrade my wardrobe and shoes, etc.). We all know how much I love lists, so I may as well make one. The short term I should start handling; maybe not all at once, but one or two action items a month is fiscally doable.
One action item I did take care of today was getting my windshield fixed. The crack is long, and water drips in, and as I hope to keep the truck a few more years... well, I called Safelite, and while of course the cost is just under my deductible, they can get it done (hopefully) Wednesday. I would not say the process was terribly smooth; you make the appointment online (they have a site across the street from my workplace) and then they call you and your insurer to determine coverage. A bit odd, and of course my first call disconnected, and the second was... comprehensive. But it was done. For some reason I decided (later on) to call the cable people to see why my Tivo isn't recording or deleting programs. That went... well enough? I realize I am talking to an AI bot most of the time, but it took quite a while for he/she/it to figure out the problem, and of course my cable box froze while troubleshooting. For now, though, all is working normally. I hope.
I watched Tim Burton's "A Nightmare Before Christmas" today; one because it is on the National Film Registry (832) and two because it was due tomorrow at the library. It was... interesting, I will give them that. I think it is fair to say that I am not exactly the target audience. Actually, I had trouble trying to figure who was the target audience; not quite a kids movie, but more for adults who are fans of Burton as it is? The story was fine, and the animation was interesting, but...I am not sure what was the point, other than the fact that he could.
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