Friday, May 03, 2024


 My streak of blogging ended last night, as I had dinner with a friend.  Funny; he suggested Brew Garden in Strongsville... and the neither of us drink.  I had an interesting -- and quite good -- beet salad with quicken; I really liked it.  It was just nice to sit, eat, and shoot the shit for three hours.  Odd, because once I got home, I couldn't fall asleep; I went to bed at 12 but it seemed at three I was still up.  Very depressing.  At least I had plenty of energy during the day... can't crash tonight or tomorrow, though!  Methinks I will hit the hay early -- or at least try to -- tonight, though I suspect I will just lay in bed again.  

Why Late Night Shows Won’t Roast Joe Biden - POLITICO
Two things; first, Greg Gutfeld has the top-rated late night comedy show, and it took them until the last paragraph to mention it?  That's laziness, stupidity, or both.  Two... they didn't stop to ask any of them what they will happen if they keep going easy on Biden; I mean, it's one thing to say he is a defender of democracy (yeah, sure) but it is another NOT to cover the basics, like he is senile and is prone to say stupid shit...for five decades.  I would be vastly amused if some guest -- even if not a GOPer -- went on their shows and called them out for it.

Why the FED Should Be Already Cutting - The Big Picture (
This is exactly correct, and again, you would think someone -- anyone -- would be asking the President, the Fed, anyone with even a finger on the levers of government -- about this.

Did Richard III Kill the Princes in the Tower? - The New York Times (
This is a fascinating article.  Hell, this is a fascinating tale, and people are still interested in it.  Indeed, this is one of the problems with history; not that the minutiae is not important or interesting, but if no historian wants to write about this, and some highly talented amateur comes in and does it... why carp?  Can't someone look in the mirror and say "Let's look at this?"  I saw the TV special about this and this is a book I would move up on my list...

Parishes turmoil as traditionalism sweeps US Catholic Church | AP News
God forbid people expect Catholicism at Mass.  More seriously, I think there is something to be said for this; yes, many people will not like the changes, but there are also plenty of people -- the ones who write the checks and do the work in the parishes -- who like and want these changes, and if more of those people start coming to Mass... we might just be better off.  I always say there is a way to be political, conservative, and orthodox at Mass, but of course... one has to be nice yet doctrinally correct.  I am not sure one priest in twenty knows how to do this, but much as the GOP is becoming a party of working people, so too can the Catholic Church be a church of... actual Catholics.


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