Monday, April 29, 2024

Slaving Away

Surprisingly beautiful day; maybe a smidge warm, but nice and sunny.  I of course was mostly working, though I did get a couple of trips outside to get the mail and to take a brief walk.  I decided with the good weather -- and the fact that I am rather busy this week -- I decided to cut the grass.  I tried to start it after work, and... nothing.  Oi.  I tried a few times, figured the thing was flooded, so I went in, had dinner, watched an archived J! (blew the final again, after putting a 51 on the board, sigh), and then went out to start the engine.  I had just finished a Hail Mary, and then... fired right up.  I remembered that this worked for Fredo in The Godfather, Part II.  Mostly.  

Got a new project for my contract job, so I put a few hours in on that... fun.  Interesting, and good to be poking around for data and making estimates and calculations about the ag market.  Odd; I just started to learn my way around, and....  alas.

A new era: Enrollment declines forcing Ohio colleges and universities to look at cuts, mergers and closures -
This could be me, but given that this has been talked about for half a decade or so...shouldn't someone have guessed that this might happen and figured out a plan for it?  I realize that that would mean colleges lose programs and people lose their jobs, but now we have a system where everyone, at the very least, is going to have a very severe haircut, and if people didn't want to work on a potential solution... nothing would amuse me than to have our GOP legislature and sort-of-GOP governor make a plan for them.  Of course, as we are Republicans, so if we had any brains...


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