Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The End of an Era

There has been a slight hiatus in my blogging; basically, my email account was receiving/sending another round of spoofs, so I took the laptop  to Geek Squad for a full diagnostic.  I asked about what could be done so that this never happens again, and aside from having complex passwords (I barely remember them), they suggested deleting my email account (the thought had crossed my mind).  This, as you can imagine, was problematic, as I have saved literally hundreds of things -- SVDP stuff, food pantry stuff, memories, funny stuff, etc.  Anyways, much of Sunday was spent culling or saving that; followed by unsubscribing and resubscribing (I created a new email account!) to all of the various things to which I am connected -- from the utilities to the library to the grocery store.  I don't even think I have them all!  Finally, I had to re-email everyone from the old account to remind them to use the new one (I can always find a reason to write, I guess).  This also took some time, and I hope I got everyone.  Of course, this morning when I went to log on...the new account was temporarily blocked.  Oi.  While there is something nice in NOT having 52 emails to handle a day... being out of connection is NOT good.

In the meantime... Communion breakfast planning was done in earnest, I finished a book -- The Conquering Tide, Ian Toll's middle volume of his trilogy about WWII in the Pacific -- and am a third of the way through another, and went to bed slightly after 10 yesterday, getting an unheard of eight hours of sleep.  Funny; I didn't exactly wake up all refreshed today; indeed, quite the opposite.  I suspect I am overtired, and the stress and annoyance of the past few days has not helped.  I think I can get seven tonight, which would be impressive.

Is it me, or is the GOP missing an opportunity by not more closely linking all of the college protests and all to the Democrats?  Ads of chanting (not-in-class) students calling for the rape of Israelis and violence -- all while demanding to be free of student loans -- would be, to me, ideal.  And, of course, all of these people ARE Democrats, and linking them to AOC and the like couldn't hurt either.  I would like to think these things would be easy to crank out, too, and given the cash crunch that seems to be affecting the GOP...well, the best type of food is free food, as they say.


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