Thursday, April 18, 2024


My plan to get some extra rest has been foiled by the low blood sugar alarm, which went off about 15 minutes ago, and here we are, waiting for it to come up after what I thought was a sufficient snack.  Alas.  My blood sugar went up after Pub Quiz -- the burger and fries were too much in retrospect -- and I thought my gym time and insulin just right.  Oi.  PQ was... we came in second, so, as we say in my family, the biggest loser.  We trailed more at the half but scored well late; the problem was that the Final J! round category was indeed a question recycled from J!; it was one I had blown, so of course I remembered it.  So did the team in front of us.  But it was good to get together once again.  

Yesterday on J! two on the questions were ones I had had on my shows (a decade apart), and I couldn't help but note that when you hear your questions, you remember.  Thom -- one of the PQ members -- was on Millionaire!, and he said the same thing.  Odd how that works.  If only I could remember forty more questions, and I would feel less dumb.  

Matt Gaetz Is Winning (
Interesting.  Honestly, I do not know what to think about him.  He is slimy but so are a bunch of other guys.  Opportunistic?  So is everyone else?  In it for the wrong reasons?  Probably.  Petty?  Who isn't.  Does he get results?  Sort of.  As with a lot of people in the GOP, I am not sure what the end game is, and until we know that... that is a problem.

Pride event controversy in Broadview Heights | Watch (
I am now truly sad I missed this, as this seems like it would have been a giant train wreck, and we all know how much I love those.

Here’s what Ohio lawmakers say should be done to solve the state’s housing problems (
Interesting?  I am not sure it is enough; certainly not for production and getting stuff in the ground, although the zoning stuff could alleviate some of the issues there.  I sometimes wonder what would happen if someone suggested the state go and build some small but decent (i.e., starter) homes and then sell them to first-time homeowners (albeit those with good credit and the means to do so); I don't necessarily think that would be a huge help either, but the only way to get prices down is to boost supply...


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