Thursday, April 11, 2024


So, I went into the garage this morning, and I discovered a visitor.  A couple of days ago the exterminator came in and while there was NO evidence of mice in the house, but in the garage the bait traps had been picked clean.  He refilled them and I offered to put down some glue traps; he said it wasn't necessary but it wouldn't hurt.  So a couple of days ago I put them down where I thought they would arrive... and nothing.  I moved them out of the way of the truck yesterday and forgot to reset I was quite surprised when I saw a Mickey on one.  This is NOT acceptable, so I put even more down tonight.  I am not exactly sure of the end game -- just keep putting them down -- but if I can supplement the bait traps, so be it.

All kinds of little things today; lots of little work projects, a trip to the gym, a bunch of errands after work, then I came home and watched J! (finally got the final correct, and I am loving the slightly easier questions), and then it was off to the laptop to handle some medical claims, pay a few bills, and handle some emails and links.  I have cleared a few of those away, which is... good.  I finished book 10 a couple of days ago, yet to start book 11, and that is a concern, as I had a few come in from the library today.  Some of them are smaller -- I can boost the numbers -- but it is not a good precedent.

Hamas May Not Have Enough Living Hostages for Cease-Fire Deal - WSJ
This could be me, but... I bet a lot of people -- especially in Israel and on the right -- have sensed this from day one, and what happens then?  If I were the Israelis...well, for one, massive retaliation against the Palestinians would be immensely justified.  More seriously, I would be into the American left (not that it would bother them) for supporting people who were knowingly negotiating while keeping the fact that these hostages were dead quite hidden.  How do you treat such a people?  You don't, of course.

A welcome transformation at the West Side Market: Tom McIntyre -
I always get a kick out of articles like this, because, of course, is why these obvious changes weren't done sooner during the Jackson administration?  The answer, of course, is that the place was run a spot for Frank's cronies, and thus left to go to seed.  One would think our wonderful hometown news source would report on that, but I think we all know the reason why they did not...


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