Social Justice
Had our quarterly Hunger Network meeting for leaders today, and as I am the default/de facto leader... there I was. For some reason, they moved it from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, and they selected a church literally ON the campus of the Clinic, so there was absolutely no parking (and we know how I love that). I had to park in the Clinic garage off 93rd (that was an adventure) and hoof it. Now, when I arrived they said they were parking cars for us... but that helpful factoid was NOT announced anywhere. Oi. Plus, they wanted pictures of all managers. Oi. At least they provided lunch and the meeting was interesting and informative (somewhat; ok, mostly). I was of course at a table with people more progressive than I am (joy) but the post-meeting small chats were interesting; one was about how for many pantries... the idea was that we were to provide supplemental food, and now we are providing all of their food, and that is a problem for a lot of places, for many reasons. I was tempted to say that if you voted for Biden, you deserve all the inflation you are getting, but...anyways, afterwards I also poked around the church with the assistant pastor and saw their food pantry (not in operation) but it was interesting... and basic.
$20 Minimum Wage Backfires as Restaurants See Orders Plummet (
Then there is this; I am not sure what to think. I think the US consumer is used to cheap (or cheaper) fast and fast-casual food, and much of the model was based on paying people poorly (or with tips). As that goes away, restaurants will have to adjust. Raising prices in a time of high inflation only makes it stick out more, so people eat out less. Cutting staff means people get miffed about poor service; then, of course, people go elsewhere. Restaurants never really had really strong margins at any time, so...there is a not a lot of fat to cut in many places. This is one of those things where slow and steady, as unpopular as it may be, might be the smarter choice...
Is it me, or is part of the issue with the Trump trial that for him, his personal life and his political career are intertwined, and thus it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them? Or, another way... the efforts to pay off porn stars and whomever were part of brand protection, in a way, and thus it is not exactly fraud, just basic lawyerly payola, done in a legal but sketchy way. I am not sure if that is the strategery, or if it will work, but it has the advantage of being somewhat (mostly?) true, and thus is not quite a crime...
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