Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Can Trump be Trumped?

 Is it me, or is the Trump trial not exactly going well for the guy?  I mean, first is the constant threat of contempt and jail; I know it is completely against his character, but keeping one's head down and quiet might be an asset about now.  The testimony from the campaign staffers isn't exactly a slam dunk in his favor -- even if you favorably spin Hope Hicks' testimony.  And then today there was the Stormy Daniels experience, which, no matter you may think of her, didn't exactly spin the guy in a positive light.  I am not sure that any jury -- much less one in NYC -- will be able to split the difference between worry about the wife and payola for the Presidential campaign.

‘F46 LGB?’ Federal lawsuit claims Ohio license plate request has nothing to do with Joe Biden, or Brandon - cleveland.com
This could be me, but -- aside from the whole First Amendment thing -- wouldn't we be better off in selling these things to the highest bidder?  Certainly you could make a bit of cash for the state, which they could use (poorly).  More to the point, how do you decide how anything could be vulgar and offensive in this day and age?

Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here’s Why. - POLITICO
This is... interesting.  I don't really buy it, and the Catholic in me... well, this is somewhat foreign, mainly because we do not read the Bible, of course.  (Snark!)  I can't really reconcile these two things, the man of God and the virile, lying, cheating, warrior, and I have a sneaking suspicion we would all be better off if we ditched this sort of thing.  


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