Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Two early meetings today, then.... back to projects.  Quite good, I guess.  Just... odd.  My blood sugar spiked in the morning and then coasted back down... and stayed down throughout dinner and even now.  Not sure why; could be stress though it is weird (but not impossible) that it goes both ways.  Alas.  At least the commute home was much smoother, though I did see myself driving a bit slower and more defensively today.  Stress?  Feeling my age?  Some residual PTSD from yesterday?  I cannot tell.  Odd feeling.  

I had to re-open my old email today -- I guess I forgot to change over some insurance stuff -- so there I was re-opening (and re-closing) the thing because I had also forgotten the password to said insurance account.  So it was a barrage of emails, confirmation texts, and alerts that a password had changed or there was a log on.  I guess -- if I didn't know it was me doing it -- this is useful -- but it seemed that it was more tedious and irksome than anything.  Speaking of irksome, I started the school supplies project for the summer -- getting what people want, talking to our parishes to see what they need, trying to find donors -- and as always, I am glad to do it, and am pleased that our parish schools are supported... but THE LAST SCHOOL YEAR HASN'T EVEN ENDED YET!  Not that I have strong feelings about this, as you can tell.

What Libertarianism Gets Wrong - by Jon Gabriel (
Interesting.  I took the test and found myself in the libertarian corner, albeit not as much as I thought.  I mean, of course government has some reason to do things, and correcting injustice is one of them, but... much less than people think.  I think in the above article... well, art and culture is useful but I think we spend way too much on both; or, more appropriately, elites spend way too much of their money and ours on this sort of thing.  I love art as much as anyone, but... that which is not sustainable cannot be sustained.  Alas.

I have to admit... I love Justice Alito; telling everyone to pound salt on recusing and pointing out that this is his wife's fight and not his... I love that, and... this could be me, but who calls the cops over a neighbor's flag?  They should arrested them for being faint of heart!


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