Saturday, June 08, 2024


 I celebrated my birthday by not blogging, though, of course, I had planned to... It was fine.  I worked, took a lunch at the food pantry (had a nice chat with Monsignor over he wanted to do), and then went to Kamms Corner for dinner at Habesha, an Ethiopian restaurant.  It was quite good; I was the only person there for a while, and the staff had a modest knowledge of English, but I was directed off a spicy entree, though... well, what I ordered what quite spicy enough.  I had cabbage stew, lentils, and some chicken and tomatoes. It was quite good, but a bit hot, and the anjera on which it was served did not quite offset the heat.  Alas.  But it was good and I would go back and try some other dishes.  Parking is a bit off there; I need to park in the lot and hoof it rather than risk the street.  While at dinner I got a text from my cousin; one of my other cousins is in town from Florida, and all the family was together, so... off I schlepped to Macedonia to hang out, which was nice.  Bit long but good to catch up.  Then home and to bed, as I had an early day today...

Today was mostly fine; something of a zoo this morning.  I arrived at the food pantry bright and early to help set up; cones were put up to block the driveway/make way for the hearse, and a couple of volunteers and some signs were able to direct the clients the right way.  We didn't have an early crowd at first, but then, for an hour, it was a zoo, with people piled into cars and some people for whom English is barely known... so of course I had to translate.  Oi.  This lasted til about 10:30, when the funeral crowds arrived... funny; couple of priests used our bathroom to change and vest, as they didn't want to take the steps.  We closed right at 12 -- no clothing racks or tables for extra stuff out today -- and it was quite smooth escaping (for once).  I guess it was not too bad but given the to and fro before...

I have made some progress in cleaning out the bookmark list, but now the emails are piling up... to say nothing of the fact that I have another massive tome to read, and scarce any progress in getting through it... alas.  


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