Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Morning linx

Yes, I am posting in the morning -- I skipped a couple of days ago, so why not add an extra?  To be sure, I wanted to hit the hay yesterday, though, of course, with the taut leg... well, it was not exactly a raging success.  I am off today, so I could in theory nap, but... there are plenty of things to do, even if it I don't.  Indeed, I am doing some contract work now... 

The Dark Forest theory in '3 Body Problem,' explained (
Interesting but the main problem with this -- to me -- is that there has NEVER been an instance of a society hiding themselves from another.  Ok, there are the Andaman islanders (though I think we just leave them alone), and maybe a tribe or two in the Amazon, but by and large, we are curious creatures...and that usually gets us killed.  Or worse.

Why Steubenville matters (
I noted this one because the ex-fiancee was from there, and I was always interested in what goes on there... including the mismanagement from the previous bishop and the obvious railroading into the merger with Columbus.  One of the other Catholic news sites to which I pay attention suggested that if they had to merge, wouldn't a better fit -- culturally and geographically -- be the Diocese of Wheeling across the river -- Appalachian, coal country, etc.  Of course, one obvious issue is that the diocese would cross state lines, which is just something that is not done.  This amused me, because this issue -- parishes from across county lines really don't help each other -- is something that is coming up with SVDP work and while in some ways this is something we should solve...well, it's never been done that way, and of course people may or may not like the precedent.  I guess to me the novelty of it is what makes it more doable, but...

The Original War Game - WSJ
I sort of want to find a copy of this!  As someone who has -- and once in a while cracks out the war games -- I found this fascinating and interesting... to say nothing of that I was always surprised by the people who play these games.  Their appeal is really broad...


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