Friday, June 28, 2024


 I should have been more productive tonight -- doing some work, for instance -- but between being tired and stressed, and needing something of a mental break...I just cut the grass, did half of the weedwhacking (my battery ran out of juice, oi) watched J!, called my sister, took a brief nap, and...I watched "Lady and the Tramp," which, of course, I had not seen.  It was fine?  Sort of cute?  Early message about not sending pets to a pound?  Vaguely offensive -- I didn't realize that this was the source of the "We are Siamese" song, for instance.  I guess I was surprised given how DEI-ish the National Film Registry has become in the past few years.  But it wasn't too long, and cute enough -- I will never be a Disney-movie guy --and I guess I do need to make progress.  835, baby!

More seriously, I have been stressed lately; feeling a heightened sense of nerves, tired, can't sleep (as evinced by now), hitting my blood sugars... I do hope I can get some rest tomorrow.  Of course, the POTUS debate has helped my mood and everyone else who wants a competent President... :)  I do like how the Dems are now saying Biden shouldn't debate, etc.; this was their debate, their rules, their moderators, etc.; now they complain about it?  Oi.

Trump’s Ground Game Is No Longer In Our Hearts (
Let us hope this is correct!

At 25, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Still Warps Our Fragile Little Minds (
25 years ago??  Wow.  I remember seeing this in the theater with my college roommates, and I think we were the oldest people there...but it was fucking hilarious.  I still have it on VHS, and if only I had a working VCR...  I think I still use "unclefucker" and "big, floppy, donkey dick," among other phrases...

Ten Commandments: Louisiana is redder than ever with new governor | AP News
This amused the hell out of me, for obvious reasons...

In tossing Chevron, the Supreme Court handcuffs Biden and every future president - POLITICO
You know, at first I wasn't exactly sold on the decisions from the Supremes, but today they really delivered.  Getting rid of the Chevron decision is good -- more power to the people through their elected reps.  Getting rid of the SEC court system is good -- secret courts are rather un-American, don't you think?  I am a bit off on the January 6 decision, but it was bipartisan, and I think everyone was trying to keep these things alive, one way or another.  But so far...the Trump Court is perhaps his greatest legacy, in addition to the awesomeness, of course!


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