Friday, July 05, 2024

Looking Alive

Didn't blog yesterday, though I could have... I was hanging with some friends, went to visit some others, and my friend and his gf had a fight and went their separate ways, so not only did I waste time... I left a fun time to see the detritus of a train wreck.  Plus, I was in post-fireworks traffic on the way home, which was... not fun.  Alas.  Alack.  I was just frustrated and went to bed, as I had work today.  Anyways, one thing I did do yesterday was head out to Brunswick to meet and dine at the Cousins Maine Lobster food truck.  I went with the cold lobster roll sandwich and some tater tots.  It was good -- very moist, just right on flavor -- but it was a bit pricey; I would have liked more lobster and fewer tater tots.  Would I try it again?  I think so.

Dare I say that I thought Joe did a pretty good job tonight?  Or, better yet, he did as good of a job that he possibly could do, given his...limitations.  He seemed fairly alert, answered (mostly) all of the questions George threw at him, and I think answered forcefully why he was running.  On the other hand...he wasn't that good, and he certainly seemed out of it when he was dismissing the polls and the voices among the Dems questioning his candidacy.  That didn't sound good when I heard it and it has not aged any better.  Dare I also say that George Stephanopoulos was decent?  For a while I thought he wasn't some liberal hack -- though he certainly could have questioned Joe harder about his lies and truth-stretching.

‘Stuck’: Housing market malaise may last for years - POLITICO
This could be me, but... one way for Biden to get a hold of the race would be to call for the lowering of rates?  Powell was a Trump appointee, if I recall, so... what would be the harm?  At the very least, the jawboning would create a few nice soundbites, right?

How To Solve Our Obesity Crisis | Opinion (
This is quite good, and quite true, though I do not think anyone will have the stones to do so... but the point is true that we cannot go on spending all of this on healthcare without looking at what is driving up the costs.

South Carolina senators defended abortion and lost their jobs (
I found this amusing; one, because they got an award for their actions -- which would to me be an indictment of why they should not have trumpeted this as a Republican.  Second... this could be me, but what did these women have to complain about?  Hell, the article even suggests that GOP women disagreed with them and that spurred them to vote these women out.  Pissing off your base is never exactly a wise electoral policy...

They Lied to You | Opinion (
Quite right, and they should be punished, but I think we all know there will not be, nor any of the usual navel-gazing in the aftermath of a disaster.  Again, this is where GOPers who deal with these people should bring this up at every opportunity.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett is charting her own path on the bench (


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