Tuesday, July 09, 2024


Funny; I was dragging somewhat today, and of course, now, late at night.... I am not exactly tired.  One thing that may have invigorated me was that I went pants-shopping today; the ones I bought were a bit too big, and as it turned out, I needed pants that are not one but two waist sizes smaller.  I would like to think that it is hard work, proper exercise and diet, and maybe it is, but more than maybe I am just getting old and decrepit.  Alas.

So, Joe is not getting out of the race, and while I don't think exactly think he has assuaged his critics, it does seem that this commitment to staying in means that... well, the circular firing squad will be firing less.   To be sure, if no one else wants to try and knock him off -- if you aim to kill the king you best not miss, in the words of Omar Little -- there is really nothing to do otherwise.  On the other hand, all of this sniping will only help the GOP.  Hell, even Nikki Haley released her delegates today, not that this was unexpected; I mean, the party has really coalesced around him, like it or not.  Again, I am not exactly a huge fan of the guy, but he did win the primary, and, more importantly, he seems -- and always has -- more competent (and able to last four more years) than Biden.  As he says, compare me to the alternative, not the Almighty (with whom Joe seems to think he has regular discussions with).

Managed to cross another banked episode of the J! Masters Tournament today; I think a couple were lost during one of the all-too-frequent (but hopefully passed) failures of recording on the cable box.  Alas.  In the meantime, I had to hustle to get 40 again, to say nothing of the fact that I get but half of the Final J!.  Switching to the regular show makes me feel smarter, but only just so.  I also managed to clear out some links and emails -- and sent out an updated Conference list -- so I feel marginally better.  Not much reading was done, and the first of the books I ordered from Amazon arrived, so... this weekend I may have to carve out some book time.


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