Friday, July 12, 2024

Working For the Weekend

Today was... better.  I didn't sleep very well -- or long -- last night, but for some reason I seemed to be a bit more alert.  I went to the office today -- one of four there -- and in some ways it was nice.  Quiet, time to burrow in and work on some projects, had a slightly lengthy and amusingly interesting meeting, and got some stuff done.  Yay!  I made some plans for tomorrow, stopped at the local Swenson's for the brunch burger and birthday cake shake, and did a bunch of errands -- groceries, cleaning supplies, new trash can, and several more glue traps.  I do want to do some cleaning tomorrow, like it or not; early trip to the gym, and then some work, hopefully.  We will see if I actually pull it off.

Finally finished book 21 today, about The Big Week -- our attempt in 1944 to destroy the Luftwaffe.  Interesting; basically, middle of the war, they realized it was not the bomber, but the fighter, that was more important -- so sending out the bombers to destroy Germany (while important) was simply to lure up the fighters to get them destroyed.  To be sure, we didn't do it, but Germany simply ran out of trained pilots, so the loss rates for them were... astronomically bad.  The old line about being a hell of a way to run a war seemed apt.

‘What You Are Doing in Milwaukee Might Actually End Up Saving the Entire Civilization’ - POLITICO
Interesting.  I think this is good?  I mean, one, I think the guy was correct in saying that at 23, you really don't know what you are doing.  And that's fine?  I mean, I would rather have someone young and interested and inexperienced trying to do something for the GOP.  More to the point, he is correct in that if you lose less in some places, it makes it easier to win everywhere else overall. I think there is something to be said that shaving margins in a Dem district by 5% may not be a lot, but... it's not nothing in a state like Wisconsin.  Hell, who knows where it may lead?  Parma is becoming a GOP stronghold; nothing I imagined in my lifetime!

‘It’s Like Being Liberated’: Republicans Bask in the Glow of a Democratic Meltdown - POLITICO
Yes, this is awesome, though, of course, I think the GOPers need to be on the offensive.  Ask the Dems -- and the press -- if they think Joe is competent.  Ask them if they saw the gaffes months or years ago, and why they kept quiet about them.  For all the talk about calling out Trump and his lies, we need to position the Dems in exactly the same way.  That goes even moreso for their enablers in the press.

Counties and states are ending single-family zoning. Homeowners are suing. (
You know, I have a bit more sympathy for the homeowner here than I thought I would.  I think it comes from my experience of Slavic Village (and other neighborhoods); basically, these places were decent places for working class people to live, and between white flight, blockbusters, and the conversion of single-family homes into apartments... well, things went to shit.  There is no guarantee that this won't happen again, is there?  Especially if you are in a decent neighborhood and someone wants to put a bunch of Hope and Changers in there.  Of course, the fact that these people are all liberals...well, who can't laugh?

Here’s how a 1/4 percent sales tax can pay for new stadiums, airport and more for Northeast Ohio -
I made a comment to the PD here, namely that the population trends are away from Cuyahoga County and its high taxes and corrupt political one, it's stupid for anyone to advocate this, and two, you would think it would be the opposite; that people from Cuyahoga County would -- or should --emulate what they are doing elsewhere.  Or, better yet, if we had some actual GOPers ibn this state, to force it upon them.

You Gonna Investigate That? | National Review


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