Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Funny; I went to the bank to get some money for the weekend a couple of days ago, and today I had to go and get some more.  To be sure, with the exception of my trip to Swenson's Friday - and some pop today -- everything I spent was legit.  Money for church, gas, some cleaning supplies, stamps, a new garbage can, more mouse traps...all stuff I used.  Odd.  Also odd -- I slept in a bit and thus got a late start to the day, so I did not wake up and tackle the back porch.  After errands and gym, I came home, had a brief lunch, and pitched into the chores for the day -- not really cleaning my house, but cleaning out the two hall closets -- one with stuff, one with sheets and towels.  

The first was not too bad; just a lot of stuff thrown in there.  Some of it is stuff I don't need, like my old phones, vases, and other things.  Some I donated, some I pitched, and some I rearranged to make sure that I know it is there, say, when I clean the house for Xmas.  It does look a lot neater, and there is space for stuff.  The second one was... well, more involved.  I think I just piled crap there for years; there were sheets, bedding, pillowcases, towels, and garment bags all mixed up.  Much of it was on the floor, which was dirty, so I decided to wash everything.  That took a while, as you can tell.  But... again, it is neater in there, with much more space.  I didn't really pitch anything -- couple of old and torn towels and such -- but the fact that everything is folded neatly...well, I can find anything and everything.

I also finished the watching of the J! Masters Tournament; I will not miss the harder questions, but it was good to challenge myself.  There are four or five I miss because of the speed of the games; the contestants move quite rapidly and the three or four seconds one usually has... well, I can't pull the answer out of the miasma of my head.  Alas.

Incredible footage from the Trump rally today; it appears he was literally inches from death.  Tragic enough that people died, though, at least the Donald is unharmed and the shooter is down...permanently.  I think -- deservedly so -- that every GOPer needs to, of course, attack the Dems...if the shooter is a leftist or a similar ilk.  Much like the Scalise shooting, the left needs to be called to account for their actions... in the meantime, while I do not think this seals the election for him -- though the whole "the man is bleeding for his country" meme is a bit rich -- the timing, with the convention on Monday...well, it is quite fortuitous.


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