Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 How the Bet on an 81-Year-Old Joe Biden Turned Into an Epic Miscalculation - WSJ
I don't know, but again, if people knew this years ago, and did or said nothing, this is as much of a Constitutional crisis as January 6.  Now, I don't expect ANY Dem to ever be called to the carpet for this, or to provide some sort of accountability, but...they should.  Funny thing is, tonight Biden was as good as he has ever been, which begs the question...where was this with the debate, when he had a week to prepare?  Nor will anyone ask him if it was so important to have a fresh face...why not four years ago?  To say that he put the country first -- when he has been stage-managing his mental decline -- is incredible chutzpah, no matter how you slice it.

So...I had my exit interview today -- first I ever had.  I have been keeping this under wraps, but next Friday is my last day at K-AWB, as I will be starting a position for a building materials/housing research firm; sort of like my first career, I suspect, but slightly different responsibilities.  I wasn't exactly looking to move, but I did apply for this one, and I had an accelerated interview process, probably because, well, I have two decades of experience in the field.  The offer was quite generous and I couldn't say no (well, I could, but...).  But... I will miss my current role, and today was why; my exit interview -- I was filled with trepidation -- was exceptionally kind, brief, and filled with nothing but praise.  Truthfully, I had the same feedback!  People are nice, it's a cool company -- bit of uncertainty with corporate changes -- and it is good to see manufacturing being competitive in this country.  The new role will be remote, better compensation, and, dare I say, more of a fit for me, in terms of knowledge/skill set?  Life is full of difficult choices, and while I think I made the correct one, it didn't make today any easier.  

In more humorous news, I pulled a lion in the Daniel's den moment today; my sister asked me to go to Cleveland Vegan to get some snacks for a friend of Favorite Niece who lost her grandmother, she is a vegan, and of course, it was on the way home and nothing is out of the way for family (it was Mom's line to explain some dubious and always out-of-the-way side quest).  All of these things are mostly true, so off I went.  Getting there is not too bad, but Lakewood is "West Side location, East Side parking and driving," and my large, manly, American/union-assembled pickup was not designed for the place.  Anyways, I finally found a spot and hoofed it there.  The place is not too large and has an open kitchen, and given what I have seen of vegan cooking...well, some mysteries are best left unexamined.  Anyways, I counted at least two large signs saying that ALL of their food is vegan.  I had to ask if they were necessary, and the kind clerk assured me it was, which caused me titters, aside from the fact that I was in the middle of Lakewood in a vegan restaurant, so yes, people are too stupid not to know that.  Anyways, I couldn't resist, so in addition to the treats (which looked good) I got a vegan/gluten-free lime bar.  It was... good?  Good enough?  You could tell it was gluten-free, but it wasn't bad.  I was quite tempted to enter the Proper Pig next door (sort of) and order one of everything but I had salmon thawing in the fridge, so...

I don't know if this mental decline is a thing or not; I had to hustle to get 40 on J! (yes, the categories were not my thing) and I pulled a guess out of my dupa  to get the Final, simply because I assumed "problematic" in the modern PC sense and not the lexicographical one.  There was a time I knew all of the National Parks, and most of the forests and monuments, but now...prolly just the parks, and there are some new ones I will have missed.  Of course, as a Republican, I can truthfully argue that we don't really need parks, and thus they are superfluous, save for their use as future sites for, say, drilling and timber harvesting.


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