Thursday, March 06, 2025


So last night I just crashed and went to bed about 10:30.  Between this cold, the late night Tuesday, the early day Wednesday (6:45 Mass for Ash Wednesday, as we are not Hope and Changers), and the effects of the fast (ditto)...well, I just didn't feel.  I had an apple before I went to bed -- something of a mortal sin -- as my blood sugar was borderline.  As it was, I woke up at 4 with low blood sugar, alas, so... I got a good deal of sleep, maybe not enough, but 7.5 hours is heavenly.  I wouldn't say I am better but I feel...well, less crappy.

One casualty of this malady is that I did not go to the CSU game tonight; HL quarterfinal and last home game of the year.  I mean, I could have, but I decided valor was the name of the game so I stayed in.  It was a good game, but there is something to be said for staying in, resting, not getting cold, etc.  I will be heading out tomorrow -- First Friday of Lent! -- so even more the reason.

There are only two parishes in the Diocese that have fish fries on Ash Wednesday (which I sort of get, for many reasons) and last night I switched it up a bit and went to St. Ambrose in Brunswick for theirs.  Sort of a zoo (obviously) and I narrowly avoided several vehicular catastrophes in the parking lot (I parked far, but not far enough).  It was good -- better than Holy Family -- and for $17.50 (including drinks and dessert), I think it was borderline worth it in this day and age.  It IS for the Church, as I used to tell Mom (and we all know what she thought of that).  More seriously... a parish should consider starting one on Ash Wednesday; I know it is hard to get volunteers mid-week, but there are opportunities...

Dems’ DOGE problem may be bigger than they thought - POLITICO
This and the decline in mortgage rates... well, the GOP needs to be talking about this more -- I think a lot of people would understand (if not like) that for many years we have spent too much for too long.  You can Uber-drive at night all you want, but at the end of the day, when spending is the problem, you have to cut it, like it or not.


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