Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The June stats for the OC:
526 households totaling:
197 seniors, 741 adults, 545 rugrats.

Big month, actually, sort of surprising...not sure why.  We did have some turkeys early in the month, so maybe news spread...hopefully we will NOT have any more, because the natives get fairly restless when they are around.  Or, more accurately, when the clients are around, but the birds are not.

If the Tribe loses this will entirely rest on Francona.  First, in the 6th, it was PLAINLY obvious that Masterson had lost it, and Francona left him until he coughed up the lead.  It was fairly reprehensible, given his pitch count was high (but not that high) but you could clearly see him laboring.  Everything went -- command, control -- but there he was, giving up hits to Bonifacio...  of course, the announcers were complaining that Terry had Guilmet up, and you couldn't bring a rookie into the game...fine, but why warm him up if you don't want to use him with you need him?  Masterson may be your ace, but when everything goes, it's done.

Then, in the 8th -- mind you, Allen, Smith, and Perez have been used THREE games in a row -- even though Guilmet was pitching quite well, Terry goes to Pestano -- in a TIE game.  This sort of works...I mean, I see getting him some work, but...why not run through Guilmet and rest the pen?  Francona brings Hill in in the 9th, with predictable results, and then you haul Smith in for the FOURTH game, and he doesn't have it, and now you are down three.  Unbelievable and indefensible.

I just hate that...more than anything.  People talk about heart and emotion and all that jazz, but at the end of the day, in baseball, especially NOW, it's about brains and intelligence and using all of the data-supplied tools, with a healthy dose of common sense.  When a pitcher LOOKS lost, you pull him.  When a pitcher isn't pitching effectively, you cut him or send him down.  If you're afraid to pitch a guy, don't.

On to other current events, I am amused by the new GOP push to defund agencies that are pissing people off, like the IRS and ideally the Justice Department.  I am not sure why they haven't done it before; I mean the Constitution clearly states that spending bills originate in the House, so they may as well as send one out that represents their priorities (and one that happens to score points).  The Senate can reject it, but couldn't you imagine Rand Paul and ilk filibustering anything that isn't close to the House bill?  More to the point, do you think Harry Reid would go nuclear on the filibuster over the IRS?  Do you think guys like Manchin and Pryor and Begich would vote cloture?  If I am the GOP, I would gladly take that bet.  I mean, if you can manuever the enemy to terrain which is unfavorable for a successful should make them do it.  I bet good things would result.


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