Tuesday, July 09, 2013


It's funny...today is the first hot day in a while.  Last nite I was thinking, gee, it's cool and comfortable at night now...not only is this better than sweltering heat, one also doesn't have to run the air conditioner, which saves me money, also beneficial, as I am a cheap bastard.  But, it IS July, so we should expect sweatfests until November, at least, with the global warming and all.


This is why any time a Hope and Changer goes and announces they are a Christian, you can just stop listening.  Like I do.

Pale Fire continues, somewhat briskly, somewhat interestingly.  I mean, it's ok; I sort of get the novel wrapped in literary criticism bit, and Nabokov does have great lengths where you go back and say "Jesus, that was a good read" but on the whole, I do have a sensation of...who gives a shit?  I know I should not, but...

Ubaldo had an interesting start today.  Actually, it wasn't that bad; the Blue Jays can hit, and he pitched into and out of trouble.  The high pitch counts were annoying as fuck, but with all the issues of the pitching staff, six innings isn't too bad, especially when it is shutout baseball.  Jim Johnson, of all people, had some excellent stuff tonight, so you should pleased you got anything off of him.  I did note the Tribe is calling up Salazar for Thursday, which is interesting only in that it means that Bauer is in the shithouse regarding his mechanics, control, etc.  As he is but 21 years of age, I think we are panicking a bit...sort of like calling up Salazar.  If you're bringing him to pitch once, fine, but if you are showcasing him for a trade...well, unless it is Cliff Lee, I would be quite reluctant to pull a switch.


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