Tuesday, November 05, 2013


One story I HAVE been following lately is the A-Rod scandal; namely, he and his attorneys are going to war with MLB over his suspension, failed drug tests, etc...  It's quite good, given that no one really thinks A-Rod is a decent human being, and the fact that MLB has gone completely out of their way -- and into the gutter -- to get rid of him.  It's one thing to pile on, but this is ridiculous, and let's face it; A-Rod has nothing to lose by going to the trenches here, as he can lose everything if he doesn't.  So he fights.  Mind you, I think the pendulum has swung...if not his way, but somewhat more sympathetically; especially given how MLB has went about it.

So, Chris Christie is going to win big, and I don't have a problem with it.  In some ways, he's quite conservative...in others, not so much, but it is magnified now, given the rightward shift of the GOP.  As Bill James said about Haddix, I think, it's not that his conservatism is that moderate, is that it is moderate for his era.  I suspect he will have trouble 1) Because he is pro-choice and 2) He will have to raise taxes somehow to solve NJ's budget issues, and both of those are no-gos.  If you think about it, though, the GOP tends to do well when it hits the fan (In Blackett's War, Admiral King says "When the going gets tough, they send for the sons of bitches).  Up the road in NYC, it was Rudy (certainly no Tea Party type) and Bloomberg (he's not quite so conservative, but he certainly ran as one at first) who guided the ship when people felt that Dinkins was shitting the bed; the GOP romp in 2010 when people realized (not enough, and too late) what Obamacare would be like; hell, Reagan won in 1980 -- big -- by reveling in the shadow of Carter.  Christie was a law-and-order, corruption-busting prosecutor (always big for the GOP...like Rudy) and dealt with Corzine and his...fast-driving ways.  :)

Cucinelli is losing in VA, but not as badly as feared...that I suspect will cause recriminations up and down the chain.  On the one hand, a slightly more moderate candidate would have won.  On the other, Ken was badly crushed in funding, so the donors who sat on their hands deserve the blood on them.  Plus, like Mitt, Ken never seemed to realize you need to be something and stand for something...not just be the other guy.  Nor can we forget the corruption scandal involving former GOP-wunderkind McDonnell...


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