Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Another day, another snowpocalypse, thanks, of course, to the settled fact of global warming, er, climate change.


I rather liked this article, but I wonder if the author just didn't give enough blame to liberals on this, or, more appropriately, both the liberals who kept pushing such ideas as busing EVEN AFTER it was obvious they didn't work...and the Democrats -- white working class types -- who used racial segregation and bigotry to get ahead (and still do).  I think I've said many a time the reason I identify as a Republican was because of the overt racism of the other side, which sort of seemed hypocritical.  I know better now, of course, and it IS hypocritical. To be sure, I am not saying that all of my fellow GOPers view things with equality, but...I've generally noticed -- at least among my generation -- that green is the more important color.  Which, if you think about it, is what Dr. King talked about decades ago.


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