Sunday, February 02, 2014


Sad news about Hoffman, to an extent...I mean, let's face it, when you take drugs -- and a lot of them -- chances are they will kill you, and if not sooner...later.  Whether we like it or not, and we do not have to...that is how it works.

In the meantime, I am...tired.  Not sure why; I went to bed early last nite, and got enough sleep today, I thought, but I am just dragging; I caught up on some "Downton" and read a bit.  Bleh; won't even go to a Super Bowl party, just to stay in and have a quiet evening at home...which is good.

OC duty yesterday...fairly quiet in every sense, aside from the fact that the clothing room was something of a catastrophe.  Some parishes dropped off clothing, didn't or couldn't put it away, and there were bags upon bags of it when we arrived.  It took four of us one hour to get it sort of nice, and we had three say nothing of our wonderful clients...handling most of it the rest of the day.  Now we are short of hangers...and of course, there are more clothes everywhere else.

One of my favorite times of the year is to go through and read the latest Bill James Handbook, the definitive source of baseball stats for 2013 and an estimate of what will happen for takes about a week, as it is not an easy read, but being the stat nerd I am...


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