Friday, December 27, 2013


I do hope everyone had a Merry Christmas; I certainly did, sort of; Eve was spent with the family, and Xmas Day was spent at my friend Jim's house...waiting for him to come home from the emergency room with a sick baby.  Which, I can say, is no fun.  It also told me I shouldn;t have children, as I have less patience...which is NOT good for the child.  More happily, the Xmas swag was fairly nice -- books, some CDs, a couple of gift cards -- and while it does not of course reach what was spent on Xmas, I will survive.  For now.

The house is sort of a mess; ok, the kitchen floor is sort of crappy.  The rest of the house is ok.  I put away the Xmas stuff, and if I ever get around to taking some boxes in the attic, it would look nicer.  I need to mount a jigsaw puzzle on something (I have another one to do), and once that is done I will have the table back for the new puzzle.  I need a new kitchen light fixture...but that is it, aside from some dusting.  I guess, having industrially cleaned the place a few weeks ago, it is a good idea to keep it that way.


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