Friday, December 06, 2013


Watched both Glenville and Northern Illinois lose, which suprised, because I thought Glenville had the speed to blow anyone out of the water, and I thought NIU could just outscore anyone.  But, the snow caused the turnovers and took away the speed; also, it seemed that it took Glenville the entire game to figure out the Wing T, which seems to be a coaching issue.  As for NIU, the BCS people can rest easy in their final year...

For all the talk of snow and ice and death today, it seemed we missed it along the lake; I mean, roads were fine on the way in, and on the way home, it had just started to snow, which sent people into paroxysms of idiocy, but you could manuever around them.  My Mom thought I should stay home and do Lord knows what, so it was most amusing to wake up and find things to be in decent shape, though it seemed that an hour to the south, it wasn't the case.

Women in Love is going slowly, for a bunch of reasons, mainly because it is hard to be thrilled or shocked or appalled; the book simply is, and here we are, the reader, slowly suffering through.  The sacrifices I make for art...


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