Saturday, November 16, 2013


You know, I really need to stop saying I'll post more...  anyways, this most recent hiatus was caused by the laptop, which would turn on but not display anything; a trek to Microcenter revealed a loose connection (and that the laptop is an antique) and thankfully, $70 later, it is back...  ok, it was back Thursday, but I decided to have TV nite (Glee is totally cheesy and gay) and yesterday I cleaned my house while watching UCLA.  Yes, old age is full of excitement.

I get a kick out of these stories, because on the one's a business, they are there to make money, and it is easier to make it from stupid people.  Of course, I am a social justice para-professional, and we all know that this is basically usury.  To be sure...well, as I like to say, while some people are unfortunately poor, there are others -- a LOT more than the first type -- who are poor by choice, and programs like the one above are the reason why.  And, no, I really do not have a lot of sympathy for people who make bad decisions all of the time.

Thus, the October stats (which are supposedly low...):  442 household visits, encompassing 189 seniors, 629 adults, and 481 rugrats.


I think everyone knows I despise the Kennedys, so this took a little extra to get down (or, as the governor of Maine would say, extra vaseline), but I think this is also spot on....


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