Tuesday, July 01, 2014



I have read this a few times, and I cannot fathom how this is a bad thing...

The Tribe has played two games in two days and gotten two hits.  Lovely.  I don't really see a hope of the playoffs here, do you?  At least you get to hear Vin Scully call a game, which is pretty awesome.

My weekend was fine, aside from the lack of sleep, and last nite was the same issue.  I really felt it today, so much so I am definitely going to bed at 10.  It will affect my Lardner reading -- and parts of his oeuvre are really quite droll -- but we need the sleep.  Part of the problem, I suspect, was that I was hanging out with friends yesterday, and between the pad Thai and the sushi and the hanging out, my stomach was not a happy camper.  It was good, but I think it was sushi without real and heavy food, I am sad to say.

One thing I've noted lately is the sheer quantity of stuff in the mailbox...and how little of it really is important or requires any sort of handling.  I can see how the post office is in a spiral, which is sad, given that it is constitutional and sort of works...


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