Monday, June 16, 2014


So....super busy weekend, which I will summarize down to the highlights; yesterday I went to Geneva-on-the-Lake with my friend Jim (and godson) and family and was nice; we mainly hung around the lodge (which seemed somewhat swank) and the beach/park area, and thus missed the kitschy tourist-trap areas.  It was nice; I could see a day or a weekend there, but for the rest of the time...well, I don't anything more than that. is nice there, watching the lake come in and all; very pretty.

I see Terry Francona went to Carrasco in a close game, and so far so's odd; he doesn't use Cody Allen for five games, and then uses him three days in a row (and intensively)...ditto for Shaw and Atchison.  I realize they are his best relievers, but...I think part of the problem is that managers tend to have favorites and simply don't realize that relievers are fungible.  This is especially because...well, Carrasco has pitched well, albeit in low-leverage roles, and it is foolish to keep guys pinned down in a spot.  In the meantime, John Axford -- who is pitching like Carrasco in April -- is still employed, which is a little odd, given how miss or miss he is.

I am reading The Formation of the Christian Bible; it is point the author made early -- which I never thought of until reading it -- is that for the early Christians, the Bible didn't exist, and more importantly, the Old Testament -- which to Jews was THE LAW -- was something less sacrosanct, given that in recent memory -- i.e., the life of Jesus -- there had been major revisions to the law...mainly, love thy neigh and do unto others.  Thus, those laws they didn't like/were inconvenient, the early Christians droppes.  And, if you think about it -- say, looking at usury and gay marriage, for instance -- we are still doing it now.


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