Sunday, May 25, 2014


I am not saying I am trying to do as little as possible this weekend, but...let us just say that I have very few chores to attend to.  Some reading, some light work that has to be done, some old movies...that is about it.  I planned on sleeping in yesteday, and of course I woke up at 6:20, so I ended up getting some grocery shopping done and then stayed up.  I guess it was fine, though I am sort of feeling tired now...not like I can nap, of course.

I have to admit, the weather is princely; I mean, really, what more could you ask for?

One side benefit of doing little is that I put the CD player on and listen to music...well, yesterday, I made it to the end of the fourth tower, which meant I went through my entire collection.  The modern stuff tends to be in the last one, while oldies from my college days festoon tower one (where I will begin again).  Odd to see my musical evolution, though in some ways, that is not quite the word I would use...


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