Sunday, November 09, 2014

back on

As always, yet another series of delays in communication..Tuesday was the election results, Wednesday was PQ (second :(), Thursday was another fest...and today I finally broke into the new century and got a smartphone, a Samsung LG 5...I guess it is ok; I played with it a bit today, sent some texts, made some calls...I will do some downloading of apps and other useful things in a few days as I think of them.  I can't imagine myself emailing or paying bills or anything like that with it, but...there you go.  Rah.

I think the big reason the GOP had a big day Tuesday was the fact that they avoided the fuckups; if anything, the Dems had them this time Braley, who was the worst.  I mean, it was a good GOP year -- they picked up governors, didn't expect that -- but the usual screw-ups that accompany Republicans didn't happen; for that, I think, you have to applaud the establishment GOPers, despite the ire of the Tea Party.  For now, of course.  :)


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