Tuesday, November 11, 2014

catching on

So, downloaded the blackberry chat app and am now talking to some of the college friends...It's funny, I really haven't surfed the web or anything on the device, which is what I should be doing, but I am always worried about safety and such.  I guess it will pass, and I should play with the thing everyday, just to see what it can do.  On the other hand, I don't want the thing dominating my life like it does for everyone else.

Watched Kazan's "America, America" yesterday...or at least finished it (it is well over 2.5 hours).  Interesting.  Not great, but good...I mean, I like what he does on film, even if the film was a little...long and not that exciting.  I saw "Five Easy Pieces" is on TCM Friday, so I may check that out then.

I see the Tribe gave Francona two more years...I guess this is good; I mean, some things he does I just cannot stand, but the players love him, and I suspect -- and this is something sabremetrics cannot pick up -- that harmony in the clubhouse is worth a few wins, in some way or another, moreso than say, the third lefty.


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