Saturday, December 06, 2014


I think this is sad for the players and coaches and all, but...let's face it, for a school like UAB, they just lose money on football; sort of like MAC schools and a lot of other places not named the OSU.  That is an unpleasant fact, and the fact that they need to cut it...well, I am not unsympathetic to the finances, of course.

In the meantime...second at PQ last week.  Thursday was cookie baking with my Mom, and yesterday I watched the MAC Championship (which was played at a largely empty Ford Field, FWIW) no blogging, and also working longer and late, since I am something of a sadist.  Today was OC duty; 134, very steady crowd, seemed busier than it was; we didn't stop until after 2.5 hours of solid people. I was the runner, and while I got some one point today I became cold and just couldn't warm up.  Odd.  Guess I am getting older.  In the meantime, I will be having a big salad for dinner (good for me, keeps the pounds off, etc.) and watching the slate of college football, even if I know I am just enabling another generation of damaged brains.

One thing I need to do is starting figuring the full slate of presents for the holidays...that means I have to do some shopping.  Oi.


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