Tuesday, December 02, 2014


In one of the unending amusing moments of life, I thought to myself...Gee, I haven't seen any flicks on the Film Registry.  Lo and behold, TCM had two of them on Sunday and Monday.  Sunday was "The Black Stallion," and honestly, I was skeptical, it being a kid flick and all...but it was quite good.  The cinematography was gorgeous (it reminded me of "Days of Heaven") and the story wasn't that kitschy.  It also involved horse-racing, which I like...but honestly, even my hardened heart was rooting for the kid.  Monday was "She Done Him Wrong," a 1933 movie starring Mae West.  It was based off one of her plays...and I could tell how 1) WWII lifejackets were called Mae West and 2) that censors went apeshit over the piece (which today would not even register on our conscience).  But it was funny; the plot twists, while expected, were handled well, and I could see how her work would be popular in 1933 to a nation in need of laughs...and other things.

I was sort of torn over the story about the OSU football player who killed himself.  On the one hand, it is a tragedy.  On the other...I don't know, it was sort of the same way I felt when reading And The Band Played On.  Yes, it was awful, but...you really can't expect some things to go on without...complications.  Similarly, do you really think that when a bunch of 300-lb, trained, muscular men run into each at full speed every day for the greater part of three months...that there won't be brain damage?


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