Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I don't know...I mean, if you think about it...basically, what journalists do is look for crap about things (such as you or your firm), and let's face it, we are not in the era of Cronkite anymore; journalists are now seen (for better or worse) as having an agenda or bias as much as anyone else.  Trying to figure out what that is -- or smearing them to blunt their strike -- while not exactly Marquis of Queensbury rules, isn't out of line...anymore.  To be sure, admitting it is, and the whole stalking thing...well, I think that is a made-up-after-the-fact objection.  Yes, it could be a danger, but...there is no evidence to suggest that here.

Anyways, work has been-- and will be-- super busy, and with the weather and the stresses of social justice...well, let's just that my health is not exactly awesome.  I think I could use stress-free rest more than anything, but that isn't happening til the weekend.

One thing of note...the second book in the Powell series, while not exactly good, isn't bad, and there were even some unexpected plot twists.  So we are holding judgment for now...


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