Friday, November 21, 2014


So...finished book two of the Powell series, A Buyer's Market.  As noted previously, it got better but not particularly good.  I do not think I can finish the remaining ten books by the end of the year, given their length (2000 pages total), the vagaries of life, and my interest in other books, but slow and steady progress is a suitable option.  Tomorrow, ideally, Netflix will deliver "Am American in Paris" and I can cross one off the Film Registry.  Rah.

Looking forward to the short week, but work is and will be a slog the rest of the always, I am sort of looking forward to the challenge, but there is a part of me that says this is suicide.

Talking about the immigration reform in the Social Justice circle; one thing that stood out is that for the people on the bottom of the chain -- such as people of color, those in constant trouble with the law, etc., -- will be the ones most affected negatively by this; it is hard enough for them (not that that many of them are looking for work, of course) to get ahead and find jobs...and while there will not exactly be a large influx of "undocumented" here...there will be enough to compete, and not in a good way.


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