Friday, September 04, 2015


Yes, it has been a while...busy with work, Pub Quiz (3rd, alas), and life.  Looking forward to the weekend; I may be able to catch up on some sleep and do some things, like read and watch films.  And, of course, work!

I am shocked, shocked, by this...more seriously, one thing that ACA opponents tend NOT to stress -- and should -- is how this will drive up costs over the long term.  We all know who has to pay for this...well, some of us have to pay for it.

I've always wondered why school lunches do not attract more sympathy; on the one hand, who wants hungry kids, but...let's just say that in my experience in the world of social justice, there just aren't that many "hungry" children, and there are certainly not that many whose parents cannot afford to feed them at least the basics...

In the meantime, Josh Tomlin is pitching lights-out, which is good for what we all hope is a temporary Kluber absence; I am not holding out hope on the wild card spot, but...


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