Monday, August 17, 2015


I put these together because I think they point out the two things that will happen (mind you, I am not saying the minimum wage shouldn't be raised; maybe it should.  But we also have to be prepared for the consequences, and I realize liberals have a dim understanding of the concept) some cases, people will stop eating out, and two, restaurant owners will decide that a short-term hit in investing in robot technology will provide long-term benefits.

For the first...well, a real example...often Mom and I dine out Saturday for lunch.  We often hit Boston Market -- Mom likes the turkey.  But...they raised their prices at the beginning of the year, and to top it the coupon specials aren't so special.  So...last week, we dined at Arby's (it is about $5 cheaper)...and we are going to try Subway, next.  No, we're not going to stop eating at BM, but we will be eating there less...and I think for the restaurant professional, that is the sort of thing you want to avoid...the people who can afford to dine at Pier W will do so no matter what, but the rest of us...well, you can eat at a lot of places...such as the grocery store, for instance.....where you can buy stuff and get Fuelperks/gas rewards/etc.

In other news, watched "The Court Jester" last nite; spoof of adventure movies starring Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone, and Angela know, I didn't think I would like it at first (very musical-like) but it grew on was funny, it was cute, it was clever, and you could see what they were doing, so...while I wouldn't exactly watch it wasn't the worst.


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