Saturday, November 07, 2015


I don't know..maybe it's not the promotion, or the lack thereof...I mean, let's face it, women don't support women's athletics enough so that they are fiscally viable; why, then, should men do it?

Yes, but as we all know, he who robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul, so, next question.

OC duty today, and we had a record crowd...164 or so; we were busy all day; there was a brief pause at 11, and then it swelled up again.  Oi.  Very tiring; I was running everywhere.  Top it off, we had a bunch of people who were simply pains in the ass today (I heard the clothing room was even worse, not that this surprises me.); complaints about the right ID, been there without one once, didn't get the right food, no one told them X, yadda, yadda.  I have some sympathy -- not enough stuff is one I can get -- but the fact of the matter is that in most cases, people feed up bullshit and/or outright lies, and to top it is NOT the time for crap.  To be sure, most people were nice, and we tried to sign people up for the parish Turkey Day dinner (we have none this year; I think people know this, but man do they ask)....there was a lot of stuff for people, especially the early ones, but...


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