Monday, October 26, 2015


I always get a kick out of these stories; I mean, if some GOPer today proposed something like the CCC -- which was a giant welfare/public works/feeding people series of projects -- does anyone really think that the Dems/social justice warriors wouldn't go apeshit?  I mean, you'd be hard-pressed to pull something like it now, as the public sector unions and the contractors would go apeshit over the loss of business, even though there is plenty to go around...

Watched "Jailhouse Rock" yesterday on TCM...I mean, I think I expected a later Elvis film, which are all music and dancing; this one had some semblance of a plot (corny as it is) and drama, and the music wasn't exactly omnipresent, if you get my while it wasn't the Matt favorite, it wasn't awful, either...


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