Friday, September 25, 2015


The great painting job is almost done; I need to touch up a couple of corners and the front door, went.  I would not say great -- I need to put two coats on some places -- but I finally got it done.  This is why I've been silent the last few days, as I spent some time taping the molding, moving furniture, and putting my life somewhere else.  I had a hell of a time putting up the under-drape, if you will -- by which I mean it is NOT up; the bar isn't as wide as the brackets, so that has to be handled.  Ugh.  If I cannot get them up tomorrow (and Mom is coming to show me how, which is amusing) I think they will be in the trash.  The whole concept -- putting them on a hook, etc., -- screams female logic, in all honesty, given the clusterfuck of getting them up.  Oi.

In the meantime, not much to report -- watched some films, up to 350, with "Force of Evil" being the latest.  I am starting Thucydides, which is 500 pages of...well, I do want to read it, but it is a daunting prospect.

I have to admit -- I do not think the Boehner retirement makes a shutdown less possible; if anything, the scalps will be out...


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